Saturday, November 3, 2012

What are your reasons ?

People have all the reasons not wanting to work out/exercise. Which one are you ?

  1. I'm lazy (most honest)
  2. I've got no time. Gotta work till late (Daily?)
  3. I dunno how to start
  4. I dun have a gym member
  5. What's the point? Everybody dies someday !
  6. I dun have the extra cash to join a gym
  7. I dun have the extra cash to hire a trainer
  8. Who'll take care of the kids ?
All these are just plain excuses to cover up our laziness. I'll tell you why :
You dun need a gym to work out, nor a trainer.
You dun need 2hrs to exercise, that's too much.
Ya, everybody dies , but you're the first few on HIS list !

You must work out to keep in optimum health regardless of age. 
You must keep in optimum health if you were to enjoy life or SEX for as long as you wanna. Yes ?

Can't Wait To Have That Beach Body !

Ok, if you're really motivated for a better looking you and can't wait to start training and you really want a step by step instructions fed right to your mouth. Well, try this guy's course.

His name is Kyle Leon. He's featured in cover photo of a few fitness magazines. Not that it matters but he mentioned a very important element during his introduction of his program and that is precise diet and nutrition. These are, like I've mentioned make or break your "whatever plans you have in mind" Be it building muscles, losing fats or just shaping up. I know some personal trainers don't even tell their clients these. Some will just tell you to "eat right" ! 

Secrets To Building Muscles !

It contains very useful info not just on muscle building but you can learn the diet planning and loads of info on foods to kickstart your plans. To have a copy of this course, click here !

This little investment should be worth your while , although you could get it free with many hours of research and months & months of testing it on your training to see what works and whats fad. I wanna remind you again that this is no miracle program as there is none. The human body build lean muscles slowly and never in a few days. If any program gives you these promises that seems to good to be true, it usually is !

Ok Ok enough talking already. Go check it out and if you're making the investment, make it worth your while and learn much from it. These information shall be beneficial even to your kids (U.S had a ratio of 1 obese kid of every 3 ! scary!) . I too preach wise food choices and right training method to my own child .

So go on, check it out 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Breaking My Own Limits !

Build Muscles
Hi all, been busy for a while trying to break my own plateau ! Like I mentioned in all previous post , your mind's your limit ! You want bigger arms ? You want big chest that look like armour plates ? Or you just simply wanna fit into a dress 2-3 size down ?

I have only 1 answer for you ! That's start working for it ! Stop your silly excuses RIGHT NOW !

A story on the picture of my arm posted here :

I was stuck with a 18" bicep for quite a while now. So I decided to change my training plan and diet a little and voila ! After a 5-6 months time, 18.5" biceps (Flexed).

Hope this motivates you a little !

Set Mini Goals !

Start slow if you haven't been exercising for a long time. Do simple exercises like push-up, crunches, slow walking etc. Or maybe leg-raise while watching TV. If you could do only 5 push-ups, 10 crunches, 15 minutes walk/jog today or 5 seconds in leg raise , no fret.

Do it daily and by next week, tell yourself that you shall complete 6-7 push-ups, 15 crunches, 20 minutes walk/jog & 8-10secs leg raise. When you reach these targets, increase them again. By then, you know you are heading somewhere right ?

Same plan here if you're hitting the gym. Set mini goals and reach them gradually.

Also set weight loss goals gradually, target at maybe 300-500gm per week sounds easy.

If its motivating you already and you can't wait to start somewhere, try this program I've found by Kyle Leon. Great precise planning right from the start ! A small investment with BIG returns !

Check it out HERE

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Catching up on sleep and pushing thru my plateau

               Haven't been posting for a while. I've been trying real hard to push thru my plateau. Really banging my biceps and back real hard and changing my routine !

               Think the only thing keeping me from gaining in my desired time is my sleep deprivation ! Gotta really catch up some sleep over the weekend.......... For all you trying to lose fats, gain weight or muscles, remember that sufficient sleep is ONE MAJOR FACTOR in all your routine so please try your best to keep a healthy daily routine. Trust me, it helps.